Here is an update on the bike park and what needs to be done.
Trail Status
All the trails are cut out and being ridden. Mountain bikers seem to like the flow of the trails and lay out. Nate and I spoke with some guys who did about 3 laps on the trails. I finally hit the entire trail system on Saturday morning and I think they are pretty fun trails. Fast and flowing some sections need to be reworked, but for the most part they are very nice.
We have the trails marked as blue or black. Obstacles are being placed slowly but surely.
If you are not able to work on the trails, come out and ride them. Riding them helps keep the weeds down, defines the trails, and will pack in the obstacles that are currently placed.
Future Build Dates
We will be taking this week off (Adam may be working on Thursday and Saturday, but he will email the group if he is planning on working).
We have not had much luck with people coming out on Thursday evening to work so we will try some Tuesday nights for a change. We will start working a little earlier and quit a little earlier (mosquitos are merciless as the sun sets).
Thursday, July 1: 9:00am until ?- I will be out there! (Adam)
Tuesday, July 6: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (new time to avoid mosquito onslaught at dusk)
Saturday, July 10: 8 am - 1:00 pm (new time to avoid heat in afternoon)
Sunday, July 11: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (new time to avoid heat in afternoon)
Tuesday, July 13: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday, July 17: 8 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday, July 18: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuesday, July 20: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday, July 24: 8 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday, July 25: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Work That Needs to Done
Bill Andrews sugggested providing a list of things that need to be done so if people wanted to come out to work, but can't work on a work day, what can/should they do. Here is a list of things that people can do independently on the trails.
1) Bring a chain saw and cut about a dozen railroad ties into smaller sections about 18 - 24 inches wide. These sections can/will be used as obstacles across the singletrack trails.
2) Haul rock or railroad ties (or combination of) to various sections of the trails and place them in the trails to make obstacles. You will need a wheelbarrow to do this and a shovel. You can see examples that we have made already on the trails.
3) Ride the trails on your bike then rework corners that are too sharp or need to be banked to make the trail flow better.
4) Bring a weed eater/weed whacker to cut the weed growth back along the edges of the trails (especially on northeast section of the trail system)
All of these activities, people can do on their own with no other supervision or directions. Just going out and riding the trails helps out greatly. Get out and ride, if you can't do anything else.
Cold brews will be furnished at the Tuesday night work sessions and some type of food will be available at the weekend work sessions.
Also if you have a Facebook account, follow the Greeley Trails and Open Space Foundation and see all the photos of the work days.
Bryce Kyburz
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